Life is Hard but we can make it a little Easier! Let us share our many successes with you.
Here are a few real life experiences of our clients and how they persevered!
Jean | Recovering After the Death of Her Husband
Jean lives in the sunny landscape of Los Angeles and loves her beautiful views of the valley. She knows that the home values are pretty good up there but her house could use some upgrades. Gone are the days of her two daughters running up and down the stairs getting ready for the summer fun. Now they are replaced by the new sounds of her grandchildren doing the same.
She is 76 and widowed and a little strapped for cash, especially after the death of her husband. See when her husband passed away she lost his social security payment and now only receives half of his pension installment. She now is a member of the “hard to live on less” group that finds themselves in this position almost overnight. Your bills don’t go down or go away when you are stuck in this situation, they usually grow worse. There is no handbook training guide on how to survive now, you just do.
Jean is a survivor and like most widows is not properly prepared for the next chapter. She heard about me through a friend that did a Reverse Mortgage and called me that Friday afternoon. I explained to her on the phone that I would love to help show her how to utilize a Reverse Mortgage to ease her worries and give her real peace of mind. She saw “The Fonz” pitching Reverse Mortgages on TV and always thought that there is no way a Hollywood actor really cared about seniors, this was just a paid advertisement. Who knows or cares what Hollywood actors want anyway, I wanted to showcase the real power of unleashing the Reverse Mortgage. This ain’t Hollywood, this program is for seniors that was created by Congress, regulated by HUD and insured by the FHA, it is very real!
After a short exchange of information and finding out that she wanted which was new carpet and cabinets, I showed her what I could do for her. Jean was able to set aside $250,000 in a Line of Credit and take out $65,000 in cash out at closing for her new additions. Obviously, once she found out how much money she could get, her wish list grew a little and now we had enough to take care of the painting of the entire home and buy that new Corolla she always wanted. She could go on trips with her daughters and didn’t have to tell white lies about being too tired to go or didn’t have the time.
The Reverse Mortgage is a lifesaver. It can provide to you what no other loan can and change your whole outlook on life. It can clear away the financial stress and depression that creeps into your life after a death and reduced income. It can improve and secure your future and allow you to help yourself and to help others as well. There is an incredible part of you that wants to take on the next challenge of life, now give yourself every chance to succeed.
Jean is incredibly happy to upgrade her home, have the money to do what she wants and will never be saddled by a mortgage payment again. I hope you have the courage to do the same, call me and let’s see what is in store for your future.
Darlene and her husband had a home in an exclusive neighborhood in Orange County, the kind that have a gate around it and a guard that checks on visitors. They also had a condo in Palm Springs that the family had used their entire adult life for vacations and fun trips. She loved life and her kids!
Then it happened, she lost her husband and it tore her apart emotionally and financially. Income wise, her husband’s Social Security payments stayed because it was larger but she lost her income entirely. She still had a mortgage on the home behind the large walls and she had a smaller loan on the condo in Palm Springs, totaling $3,200 a month.
She was now in one of those life moments that many are not prepared for even though they know it is inevitable. She was facing a dilemma of having to sell her Palm Springs home and taking the money to make payments on her home. She was devastated because she loved that condo and she had a million memories and it brought the family together all the time. Her cash flow was just squeezed to a dribble.
She came to one of my seminars and sat sheepishly in the back as a lot of toe dippers do. I would go onto to explain that an Orange County Reverse Mortgage is just a Mortgage and that there are no trap doors, no secret handshakes and nothing you can’t understand or verify. In fact they are the safest loan in the United States, created by congress, regulated by HUD and insured by the FHA. You can’t lose the home to foreclosure and you don’t have to make payments if you don’t want to.
They are not expensive and for millions of retirees, they represent the ONLY way to access the equity in their home because income drops and expenses rise as you get older. There is no way to income qualify for a HELOC or a second, the only way to get money is to sell the home.
She asked me to call her following the seminar and she would go on to explain to me her hesitations. She spouted the usual suspects, the nonsense about losing your home or that her friend’s mom’s sister had one and it was bad. It is incredibly tragic the misinformation about Reverse Mortgages in this country and how many people suffer because of it.
I have learned it isn’t what I say that is important, it is what they believe. So I told her that I have a list of Ambassadors, people who have done a Reverse Mortgage, that would speak to her about anything.
So I gave her 5 people to call and she called every one of them. She even told me about the ones that talked her ears off and I just laughed because she could talk and not take a breath for hours.
In the end she was able to utilize the HECM on her home and payoff her current mortgage and also satisfy the condo and set up a line of credit for a safety net in the future. She killed 3 birds with one stone and now enjoys not having any mortgage payments, keeping that extra $3,200 a month in her bank account and receiving the social security check in full. She is now ready for the next chapter in life and she feels great!
Guess what, you can too!
Charlie lives in Orange County and has a beautiful wife of 35 years. He has 3 gorgeous daughters and more grand kids than you can count on one hand. He had paid off his mortgage and had a decent sized checking account but his wife was sick and getting sicker.
As many know now or will find out in the short future, your insurance is not going to pay for everything and it will cost you. The two had heard a little about Reverse Mortgages in California and he wanted to set up a safety net while he could, just in case. He had heard about establishing a Line of Credit that grows and can be accessed without ever having to make a mortgage payment. It was intriguing enough to call me and have me come over.
Charlie played football in college and was from the hard knocks of Penn State and didn’t pay much attention to a sales pitch. Facts and only facts where going to be on the table that night and that it is just the way I like it. His home was worth $800,000 and we were able to establish a Line of Credit for $375,000. That Line of Credit would grow at 5% annually and would never stop growing regardless of the value of the home.
Stop, are you reading this right? $375,000 dollars in a Line of Credit that is growing at 5% annually……..that means that in five short years that line will be worth $480,000 and in 10 years worth $611,000………..regardless of the home value or the financial markets or the color of the sky! Yes it’s true and now Charlie had the safety net he desired and the cash stream to do anything and everything for the family. Little did he know, he would need it sooner than later and not for her.
Charlie was lucky that his cancer was found early and could be treated quickly. He was able to utilize some of the cash from the line to get better care and access to the best doctors and in this deadly game having the best made a huge difference in his successful recovery. See with a Reverse Mortgage Line of Credit, the FHA insures the loan proceeds and they are also the ones that protect you and your home and ultimately your family. This loan can do something that no other loan can do and you need to know more about it now!
It doesn’t matter if you are sick or if your family needs your help, you must prepare before the accident. You have car insurance before the crash and if you are sitting on your savings to take care of you, life is going to be hard, unless you are Oprah. Having access to money and not needing it makes sense…if you can’t access it you are doomed. Yeah, you could sell your house and move in with your kids but is that really a choice?
Live independently and bravely and be prepared to fight the good fight. You deserve to have the best chance for survival in this great big world. Now go find out more about a Reverse Mortgage Line of Credit, it will blow your mind and give you peace that you haven’t had in a long time.
Tom and Tammy have paid off their 845K house in San Clemente and even took out a 250K Home Equity Line of Credit from the local bank. They thought that they have secured their retirement goals until they heard about the HELOC’s limitations and the growth rate option of a Reverse Mortgage Line of Credit. Most people don’t have a clue that the Home Equity Line of Credit has about a 10 year shelf life and then they disappear. You no longer get to access any money from that line and your monthly payment goes from an interest only to a full payment. If you have one and don’t believe me, call your bank and then call me once you fall over.
After sitting down with me to discuss the Reverse Mortgage Line of Credit they found out there is nothing that can compare. A RMLOC has no mandatory monthly payment, is always much larger and also has a growth rate attached to it. It can never be frozen or closed or taken away and it will grow larger regardless of the value of your home. Yes………it grows like an oak tree and nothing can stop it!
In 2008-09 banks across America froze every Line of credit that was out there and left people struggling to find access to cash. This should be an eye opener to every senior right now looking at one. Why would you ever risk having to make a payment while risking your credit at best case and worst case, your home. Everybody loses income as they get older, image how much larger your bills will be 10 years from now and no access to the line anymore? Don’t cry yet!
If you are 62 you have to look into a RMLOC and get the facts, it is a no brainer. Tom and Tammy were able to set up a $333,000 Line of Credit with a growth rate of 5.9% annually………..that means in 5 short years it will grow to $443,531 and in 10 years it will be $590,750. What about that for a long term care solution?
What are you waiting for? The Truth never lost ground to inquiry, call me!
Solutions that work, with a team that cares!
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