reverse mortgage calculator without personal information

Reverse Mortgage Calculator Without Personal Information

The Reverse Mortgage Calculator Without Personal Information or not... it's not all it's cracked up to be.

The Reverse Mortgage Calculator without personal information needed or required to check rates, is really no more than a clever lead generator for Reverse Mortgage Companies.  There are over 50 reverse mortgage options in California.

Do you really think reverse mortgage calculators in California take into consideration all 50+ Reverse Mortgage Options?

You also have take into consideration, each individual and family has their own unique situations they are dealing with in life in general. Some care more about certain things while others could care less about that and more about completely different things.

Calculators are not humans, they will not get to know an individual's personal circumstances, address the options pertaining to those circumstances, and help make those decisions after learning of that person's unique set of goals, their wants, and their needs.  This is why reverse mortgage calculators do not work!

If you would like to know the actual story about the reverse mortgage calculator California residents could previously on this website and why the owner of Green Monarch Mortgage pulled it off the site, you can read about it here. The California calculator story.

reverse mortgage calculator with no personal information needed or required


Companies marketing for a California reverse mortgage calculator without personal information needed is actually even worse than wanting information.

reverse mortgage calculator without personal information required
without personal info calculate reverse mortgage

Whether you fill out a reverse mortgage calculator without personal information required or with personal info required, you are still pretty much just becoming a lead. The difference is just how much info they have on you. Regardless, if you are looking into getting a reverse mortgage or refinancing one, if the loan officer does not want to take the time to have a real, thorough conversation with you first, then how much do they really care? The should want to speak with you first to get to know you and your particular situation, so they can have better success finding the best reverse mortgage loan options for you.

Calculate Reverse Mortgage Information

You can only calculate reverse mortgage information that you know of. Calculator or no calculator, you can not process or make decisions on reverse mortgage information you do not know.

Some of the larger lenders do not have access to all of the reverse mortgage programs and options or they simply do not offer them. This is because they may only offer the programs and options available under their corporate veil. Think about it like a soda vending machine. Do you normally see Coke and Pepsi in the same machine? Not usually, because they are competitors and the vendor who stocks the soda machines will usually sign a contract agreeing to only sell certain brands in their machines. So, if a mortgage lender signs agreements to speak about and sell certain reverse mortgage programs, why would that lender promote a product or service they do not profit from or profit as much as the ones they have incentives to sell?

If you do see the two, big name brand, competing sodas together in the same machine, it is probably because the vendor or business who stocks that machine is a privately owned, independent contractor. They are not handcuffed or tied down by contracts and commitments like the larger distributors often are. The same goes for the reverse mortgage lending industry here in California.  Green Monarch Mortgage is a private, boutique style, family owned Orange County Reverse Mortgage Lende in San Clemente. We have access to all of the California Reverse Mortgage programs including all of the California Jumbo reverse mortgage ones too.  Being a smaller, boutique size lender, we also do not have the overhead of the larger lenders, so we can provide the lowest reverse mortgage rates in the industry as well.


If you are thinking about getting a reverse mortgage in California, or already have one, and are interested in seeing what refinance options are available, we would love to speak with you.

As a bonus, you will be introduced to, what we think is...

We say the best, because this calculator is an actual person and not just any loan officer, but the President of Green Monarch Reverse Mortgage in Orange County CA. Find out more about this special California reverse mortgage call.

calculated reverse home mortgages in California without information
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